Do you have an idol in your life?

Good morning friends!! Hope you are having a wonderful day this Thankful Thursday! I’d like to ask a few questions. What dominates your thoughts? What gets the majority of your time? Are you consumed with thoughts of weight loss, “healthy” eating, and all things about your food and body?

I can say yesss, for me there was a time in my life when weight loss consumed my thoughts, time, and energy. My mind was constantly dominated with thoughts about what I would eat, when I would eat, how could I make my body better, smaller, getting in steps and exercising, and let’s not leave out how I compared myself to others.

Ohhhh, the countless hours I have spent online, searching for the latest weight loss fads. The money I spent on the latest supplements, weight loss tools, food plans, and exercise plans. Can you relate to this? Maybe you’re there today. There is NO judgement what so ever. All of my mental and physical energy was focused and dominated but losing weight and living in a smaller body. For me, losing weight and body image had become an idol in my life.

We don’t don’t talk about idols much today, that seems too Old Testament-ey. If that a word, lol. Back then people would kneel before idols, but we don’t do that today do we? Mmmmm, I’m just not so sure about that.

Idols aren’t just objects from the Old Testament friend. An idol is anything that takes our focus off of Jesus. For so many years, losing weight, “being healthy” , eating clean, a number on a scale was my idol. My body, my plan, had become more important to me than Jesus. Oh, it was wrapped in the Word, twisting scriptures to fit my “healthy weight loss” agenda. Don’t get me wrong, I had a relationship with Jesus but it was distorted and mixed with thoughts of “If I lose weight, obtain a certain size, THEN God would love me more. I would be more acceptable to others and finally be free. My obsessive thoughts, and desires of being in a “thinner” body consumed me to the point that I wasn’t fully living the life that Jesus died for me to have.

Are your thoughts consumed with losing weight, and being “healthy” ?

I was spending more and more time obsessed with my weight, my body, searching the internet and Pinterest for foods and recipes that I thought were acceptable to my eating plan. Clean eating consumed my thoughts and now fear had taken up residency in my heart. If I eat that, this will happen. No, I can’t eat this, it’s not on plan. So much fear in me. I was spending hours and hours working the plan, exercising, rather the than being in the presence of the Lord.

I’m so thankful God has set me free from obsessive thoughts and living, but it wasn’t that long ago for me.

It’s been 5 years.

5 years of learning a new way to live and walk in freedom.

5 years of hard work, and letting the Lord renew my mind and obsessive thoughts.

Oh, I was always on my mind. Food and weight was always on my mind. Thank you Jesus for FREEDOM from this way of living and just existing. You are such a good, good, Father. Redeem the time I spent outside of Your will.

Friend, do you have an idol?

Do you have something or someone in your life that has consumed you more than Jesus?

Has your relationship with your body and weight loss been your main focus ?

There is FREEDOM for you sweet friend! I would love to walk with you on this journey. Please reach out if you would like to start a new way of living and walking in true freedom.

Big hugs,


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